Being A Mom, Maintaining A Home, And Owning A Business // OKC Headshot Photographer
Photo by Meg Rose Photography
Being a mom, maintaining a home and owning a business may seem like too much for anyone to handle. However, for many working women that is their everyday life. Thankfully, the times have changed from when women were expected to stay home and not have an outside job… not that there is anything wrong with that, its just great to live in a day and age where we have options. Working moms need to be resourceful and organized in order to balance all of these roles effectively. Below are some tips on how you can juggle being a mom, maintaining your home and owning a business. If you are married, loving your spouse well should absolutely be on this list, but I’m going to save that for an entirely separate article.
It’s also important to note that the order in which these tips are identified are not because one is a bigger priority than the other. Different season will call for some to take priority over the other. You will have to find your groove and what works for you.
Identify the essentials
For working moms, typically the first step is to identify the essentials. What are the most important functions of your business? What are the essential elements of your home? What are the essential aspects of being a mother? If you can’t answer these questions, then it’s likely that you are over-emphasizing everything in your life and not effectively utilizing your time. If you are always rushing from one thing to the next, you’re not giving yourself enough time to be thorough and complete any of your tasks. If you find that your to-do list never ends and you’re always feeling overwhelmed, then it’s time to identify the essentials.
Stay organized
Organization seems like a no-brainer, but it is one of the most important factors in staying organized. If you can’t find what you need or you have piles of papers everywhere, you’re likely to spend more time looking for things and not getting them done. Therefore, it is important to stay organized in all aspects of your life. Organizing your home can help you save time, money and provide you with a sense of purpose. By having your home organized you are able to spend less time looking for things and more time doing what you enjoy. Organizing your business can also help save you time, money, and provide you with a sense of purpose. If you are disorganized in your business, you could potentially be losing clients because of your disorganization. Keeping things organized in your business, will help your customers find the information they need easily and quickly. This, in turn, will help you get repeat customers.
Be efficient with your time
If you are trying to do everything, you are going to end up being inefficient with your time. The best way to be efficient with your time is to determine what is most important to you. When you have a list of priorities, you can more easily focus on the most important tasks and ignore the less important ones. Determine which tasks are non-negotiable and which tasks are negotiable. If a task is part of your job that you absolutely have to do, then make sure you make time for it. It can be helpful to write out your day on a calendar and block out time for the things that you have to do. If something is negotiable, like a task you have at home, it’s okay to say no. Prioritizing the important things and efficiently using your time will help you feel less overwhelmed and more productive.
Create a schedule and stick to it
Many working moms feel like they don’t have a choice but to work in their free time. Therefore, they try to fit their work schedule into their free time. This is not sustainable, and it can lead to burnout. It is important to create a schedule and stick to it. This schedule doesn’t need to be written in stone, but it should have a general guideline of what you will be doing in each day. This schedule is especially important when you have a child. You will be able to fit in your work tasks and your child’s activities in a more organized manner. If you have a strict routine in your home, your child will be able to understand what is expected of them. As a result, you will have more time for yourself.
Establish a routine with your child
While it’s important to create a schedule for yourself and your child, the schedule should be flexible enough so that you can respond to your child’s needs. A routine is important for children because it provides them with a sense of security in their daily activities. It also provides structure, which is important for children. Having a routine will help your child understand what is expected of them. It can be helpful to write everything down and let your child know where everything is.
Hand off task to others
Sometimes the best way to stay efficient and organized is to hand off tasks to others. Having various people help you out with different tasks, such as cleaning, cooking or childcare can be a huge help. It can allow you to focus more on your work and be more productive. You can hire a cleaning service to handle your cleaning, a food delivery service to handle your meals or have a child care service watch your child. You can also collaborate with other moms who may be in a similar situation as you. You can help each other with childcare and other tasks.
Take care of yourself
Working moms often forget to take care of themselves. However, it is important to remember that you need to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your family. This means making sure you are getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals and exercising regularly. It also means taking time for yourself and creating an environment for yourself that will allow you to recharge. It can be helpful to create a to-do list for yourself and create time in your schedule to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself will help you be a better mom, worker and partner. Working moms may find it challenging to manage their time and be efficient. However, with careful planning and organization, they can do it. If you are ready to take back your time and get more done, follow these tips and you will be well on your way.
Please know that as I write this, I am 100% reminding myself of these things. I’m far from perfect and I don’t want to pretend I have it all figured out. These are just some easy and helpful things to get you on the right track of mastering motherhood and business ownership. Let me know the number one thing you want to improve or implement from this post!