How to Look Your Best with a Professional Headshot Photographer // OKC Brand Photographer
In today’s world, your headshot is often the first impression you make—whether for your LinkedIn profile, company website, or social media. As a professional headshot photographer, I understand that stepping in front of the camera can feel a bit intimidating. That's why my approach includes personalized coaching and direction throughout the session, ensuring that you not only feel confident but also look your absolute best.

5 Ways You Can Use Your Headshots // Oklahoma City Headshot Photographer
Your headshot is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal when looking to land a job interview or stand out in any crowd. It can help you show potential employers that you’re a hard worker who won’t be short-changed. It can also help you sell yourself to a talent agency or headhunter if you decide to go that route. There’s a good chance that your next connection, whether it be an employer or your next big client, will do a quick search to find your online presence. You get one chance to make a first impression… make sure your headshot is ready to help you stand out from the crowd. Here are six ways you can use your headshot to make yourself more appealing:

Featured Client: Stacy McNeiland
If you know this powerful woman personally, you know she is all-in, 100-percent-sold-out, biggest-fan for the causes she believes in. The children of OK are lucky to have her leading the way in ending child abuse in Oklahoma.